Shelton Kartun
Shelton Kartun is a therapist and counsellor. He originally studied medicine and medical sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand. After obtaining his post-graduate degree, he moved to London and lived there for 20 years.
Whilst overseas he further specialised in stress counselling and anger management. As Shelton has always had a strong interest in complementary therapies and healing, he additionally qualified in holistic massage and reflexology.
Shelton returned to South Africa in 2004. He founded The Anger and Stress Management Centre, whist continuing to work as a therapist in Reflexology, Massage and Healing . In 2017 Shelton qualified in ear acupuncture with Warren Whitfield, and became registered as practitioner in Acupuncture Detoxification.
Shelton now offers auricular (ear) acupuncture based on the NADA protocol. This is an international qualification, enabling Shelton to offer Acudetox treatments for addiction recovery as well as treating other conditions listed on this website.
Shelton as Therapist
Shelton has a caring nature. He is passionate about helping and healing others using his skills and experience. This may involve privately counselling individuals, couples or adolescents who have issues, as well as stress management.
He also offers practical courses in anger management and managing emotions in the workplace. He offers stress management for employee wellness. Furthermore Shelton is now also able to offer ear acupuncture to help people with a variety of conditions. This could be privately or in the workplace.
Shelton has a scientific and medical background. Consequently it was important for him to see medical evidence about ear acupuncture and that it was an effective treatment.
He found a lot of research and evidence that ear acupuncture has been effective in treating a number of conditions successfully since 1972. Having read the evidence Shelton was convinced that this is something he needs to offer to others to help them become well again.
It is also considered a great modality when used in conjunction with another approach e.g. ear acupuncture and trauma counselling for PTSD.
He believes in working with mind, body and soul and helping someone get well again and be happy. He tries to get to the source of the problem and does not believe in merely suppressing symptoms through drugs.
Shelton lives in Cape Town and is the founder of The Anger and Stress Management Centre, The BodyMind Acuhealing Centre and the Academy of Online Personal Courses for Transformation. He leads a healthy lifestyle, attends gym almost daily and loves practising yoga.